Kodak Black explica sus deplorables experiencias en la cárcel

Por Juan Villain / 17/12/2019
Kodak Black explica sus deplorables experiencias en la cárcel

El pasado domingo Kodak Black subió una nueva foto a su Instagram. Lo curioso no es la foto en si, si no la rocambolesca historia que el rapero cuenta en el pie de la imagen.

Hace relativamente poco, Kodak, quien lleva ya un tiempo en la cárcel, fue destinado a régimen de aislamiento, y aquí nos cuenta por qué.

Una experiencia extrasensorial

Kodak Black nos cuenta que el pasado 29 de octubre, estando ya en la prisión federal de la ciudad de Miami, alguien le drogó con una sustancia desconocida. Esta droga provocaría al rapero una experiencia extrasensorial, como »si estuviera fuera de su cuerpo» haciéndole sentir »poseído».

Ver esta publicación en Instagram

On October 29th I was laced with an unknown substance here in Miami, FDC. That substance gave me an out of body experience and had me feeling like I was possessed and dying slowly. Upon this experience i managed to go to the CO’s office to seek medical Attention (As shown on surveillance cameras). I was denied ! This left me in a state of paranoia. Shortly after I got into an altercation with an innate. This same CO who denied me medical attention, proceeded to pepper spray me which instantly impaired my vision and I was oblivious to who was punching and grabbing me repeatedly in the face. Even after I was on the floor they continued to strike me and deploy more people. I was summoning for them to stop while gasping for my breath. This near death experience felt like dogs were tearing at my skin while they were grabbing and beating me while I was under the influence of this unknown substance that mysteriously hasn’t popped up in my Urine analysis and mysteriously the inmate I was fighting with went home the next day. I was beaten so brutally that I had to be taken to the Box in a wheelchair. I have been here for 45 days without commissary, hygiene stressed out and on psych meds. Having to mourn the loss of my brother Juice World behind the doors. Prior to this there were a few inmates who intentionally beat up … An officer and no charges were filed. Meanwhile I get into a fight with another inmate and this officer jumps in to inflict harm on himself and capitalize on my status as a local celebrity … I had officers tell me that the CO was ok that night and that he is trying to go this route. Because he self checked himself in the hospital. I have also heard officers tell me that the CO has been back to FDC and bragging that he will get a quarter million from me. I want to shed this light on police brutality and the tactics they use to cover their behinds. #JUSTICEFORKODAK

Una publicación compartida de KILL BILL (@kodakblack) el

Fue entonces cuando uno de los trabajadores le negó asistencia médica. Este mismo trabajador intentaría atacarle con spray de pimienta, desencadenando así una pelea con el propio Kodak y su posterior confinamiento en solitario.

Recordamos que Kodak Black tiene que cumplir una condena de tres años y diez meses por falsificar documentos para obtener armas de fuego. Esperemos que no se meta -queriendo o sin querer, como en este caso- en ningún problema, y no se alargue el tiempo que pase a la sombra.

El que tampoco se aclara es Lil Xan, ¿te has enterado de sus últimas noticias?